
We look forward to hearing from you!

IBU-tec advanced materials AG

Hainweg 9-11
99425 Weimar

Phone: +49 - 3643 - 8649 - 0
Fax: +49 - 3643 - 8649 - 30

E-mail:  mail(at)

BNT Chemicals GmbH

PC-Straße 1, Chemiepark Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Areal C
06749 Bitterfeld-Wolfen

Phone: +49 - 3493 - 3163 - 0
Fax: +49 - 3493 - 3163 - 111

E-mail: info(at)

Your Direct Contacts:

IBU-tec HR

Christiane Bär

Phone: +49 - 3643 8649 - 181
E-Mail:  jobs(at)

BNT Chemicals HR

Investor Relations

Nicole Ziesche

Phone: +49 - 3643 8649 - 51
E-Mail:  IR(at)

Data Protection

IBU-tec advanced materials AG
+49 - 3643 - 8649 - 0

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