Developed from IBU-tec in Weimar, the group now extends to five locations in three federal states, where more than 200 employees work for national and international companies, which include the world’s leading chemical companies. In addition to the main facility in Weimar, production capacities are concentrated at two sites in the Bitterfeld-Wolfen Chemical Park, which offers excellent production conditions with its infrastructure.
IBU-tec Weimar
Hainweg 9-11
99425 Weimar
Phone: +49 3643 8649-0
Fax: +49 3643 8649-30
E-mail: mail(at)
The main facility and headquarters of the IBU-tec Group are located in Weimar. Today, with about 150 employees, it is the largest location and houses the company management and administration, as well as a large part of our test facilities (rotary kilns and pulsation reactors) and modern laboratories.
IBU-tec Logistics Center Nohra
Österholzstraße 5
99428 Nohra
Phone: +49 3643 7767-528
Not far from the headquarters in Weimar and in the immediate vicinity of the motorway is our logistics center with storage capacities for bulk containers and pallets, from which the plant is served just-in-time.
IBU-tec at the Bitterfeld-Wolfen Chemical Park
Riechstoffstraße 5, Chemical Park Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Area B
06803 Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Phone: +49 3643 8649-0
With the full infrastructure of the chemical park, this location is primarily designed for particularly demanding projects and production lines. In the immediate vicinity of BNT Chemicals, synergy effects are being realized, which benefit both facilities.
BNT Chemicals
PC-Straße 1, Chemical Park Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Area C
06749 Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Phone: +49 3493 3163 - 0
Fax: +49 3493 3163-111
E-mail: info(at)
At BNT Chemicals, our wet chemical expertise and our expertise in organometallic compounds are combined: production lines, laboratories, logistics and administrative buildings in which around 80 employees work.
IBU-tec Group Office Berlin
Karlsruher Straße 18
10711 Berlin
Phone: +49 3643 8649-0
In Berlin there is an office, which is available to the board members, from which the sales department of BNT Chemicals works and in which meetings with customers can be organized directly in the federal capital.